Congratulations to our SENW 2024 Summer Regional Champs Qualifiers

Kara Howard

We're diving into excitement and splashing with pride as we celebrate the phenomenal achievement of our Fleetwood Makos champions - Kean, Jasper, and Amelia! These incredible swimmers have qualified for the Swim England North West Summer Regional Championships 2024, showcasing their dedication, hard work, and the true Makos spirit.

Kean, with his unstoppable determination, Jasper, with his lightning-fast strokes, and Amelia, with her powerful performances, have all set the pool on fire, earning their spots among the region's best!

Let's send a tidal wave of cheers and support for Kean, Jasper, and Amelia as they prepare to make a splash at the regionals! Your Fleetwood Makos family is behind you every stroke of the way!

#MakosPride #RegionalChamps2024 #SwimFastSwimStrong